The Magic
Scott's unique style of magic is focused on providing close-up shows for guests. He is happy to mingle with your loved ones, wowing them with his sleight of hand card tricks. You might also find him using a prop or two for truly mind-blowing displays of magic.
Always bringing the fun to a celebration, his humorous personality will immediately put guests at ease. There is nothing quite like laughter for a truly memorable occasion.
The Service
Offering a flexible service, Scott understands that your wedding is your special day, and he's dedicated to ensuring it is the most enjoyable it can be. With this in mind, he is happy to perform during any aspect of the wedding, however the most popular options can be found listed below.
Post Wedding Ceremony
A slight lull in the order of the day, whilst the photographs are being taken, is the perfect time for Scott to swoop in and put on a show. As your guests are mingling for the first time amongst themselves, he provides the perfect ice breaker to make guests feel more comfortable and get chatting.
Wedding Breakfast
Make your first meal as a married couple even more memorable by having Scott glide amongst the tables performing his first-class magic tricks. Ensuring he doesn't disrupt the meal, he will simply provide some laughs between courses.
Evening Reception
A wedding is a long day, and by the evening reception you might have some guests who are flagging and some who are just joining the fun.
Appoint Scott to bring some energy back into the guests who have shared the full day with you, and welcome the guests who have just arrived with a lively magic show.