Wedding Videographers and Filmmakers in Bournemouth and Poole
Take the preservation of your wedding day memories one step further than photographs with the help of these wedding videographers in Bournemouth and Poole. Professionals when it comes to capturing all of the intimate moments that make up the bigger picture of your wedding, you'll be presented with a film of your day to enjoy. Browse the list below to find one suited to you.
JV Film specialise in colourful, creative and unique imagery. Relive your wedding day in HD, without missing a moment. Offering a flexible approach to packages, couples can opt for a whole day package at just £550 or bespoke options. Choose a drone for a sky view of your wedding. With 10 years’ worth of experience Janos has a knack for capturing magic…
Whether you are looking for traditional, posed photographs or candid family moments, this husband and wife duo can capture the true emotion of your special day. Based in Westbury, Wiltshire Wedding Photography lead with a reportage style, shoot every moment of your wedding day and additionally offer a free engagement shoot with their packages…
Hampshire Wedding Videos understand your wedding film is something to be cherished. They ensure that every significant moment that unfolds is captured on film and don’t miss a thing. Editing from their studio in Portsmouth, they are happy to travel to weddings across the UK. Receive three DVD’s and a highlights video which can be shared online…